Beloved Followers

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fun of Fondant

Happy E-day to Fawiza & Yasser...congrats for both of u....cepat2 kawin..

Monday, June 07, 2010

School Project 2

After school project 1, one of the techers suggested to have "jualan sempena hari guru". So i came out with 3 example and suprisingly we received a lot of support in terms of order from students and teachers..
tq to all for your support and co-operation..

k.amirah tengah test power piping icing..

k.liza pun nk tunjuk bakat gak..

Siti Love Wan

This set ordered by Siti for her anniversary...
and that nite Siti texted me..
"kak ayu, kek yg ct tempah td SEDAP GILA! buah strawberry MANIS, BERAIR DLM MULUT, mmg nikmatlah"
tq a lot ct for the very interesting comment..

Hepi Besday MUAZ ke-2 & Selamat Pengantin Baru Ati & Hafis

This set ordered by Kak Zaharah for her son..kak  Zaharah ni sangat suka makan kek and se always ordered from me..hehe..tq

This set made for Diana for her cousin's wedding...

Happy Teacher's Day

Well being a teacher was not so easy as others thought..but being appreciated by the others was a sweet memory and lasting forever..Thank you for your effort my dear students..i really enjoyed that celebration..

Game 1 Malaysia
With teachers...showing our mermaid flower..hehe..

Because of our theme is "kelautan" so we're wearing blue baju kurung except me..hehe..and jamuan pun semua seafood..dan yang pasti hari tu sangat sangat kenyang dengan semua makanan..

2 tier cake for our Pengetua's birthday..

A really big cake from Jemaah Pentadbir Sekolah..sedap sangat kek ni..

This is my cupcake..they ordered from me to give to all teachers...i made special blueberry cupcake for them..